DUMSA|自然灵感 大胆定义
Natural inspiration bold definition
永恒而不拘一格的气质,Marquina脱颖而出 An eternal and versatile temperament, Marquina stands out
历经风化沉淀,构筑独一无二的灵魂自由·砂岩 After weathering precipitation, build a unique soul free sandstone
自然石材融于艺术,若隐若现的万象恢弘。 Natural stone blends into art, creating a looming and majestic appearance
绮丽冰川,让人不由自主的去探索 The realm of glaciers makes people involuntarily explore
生于自然之中,源于自然之美·Piemonte Born in nature, originating from the beauty of nature · Piemonte
力量与柔美的交融 Santo A blend of strength and beauty·Santo
暮色之处,邂逅石材的瑰丽与神秘·銮黑金 In the twilight, encounter the magnificence and mystery of stone·Glossy Noir